Conference Gender Mainstreaming in Medicine and Medical Research

Friday, 24th March 2023, 10:00
João Lobo Antunes Auditorium, Egas Moniz Building, Instituto de Medicina Molecular
Gender mainstreaming has been on the edge of public policies priorities. In fact, this is a pillar for European Union and one of the prior duties to be developed at European Research Area (ERA).
Data collection and data usage tends to reproduce gender inequalities, portraying the wider context where data come to existence. Research, as other activities, happens in multiple settings where socio-cultural patterns are also embedded in data. This is particularly relevant in medical research, where often gender is not a priority leading to relevant biases. As a consequence, gender biases could have a concrete impact in research results. These implications could become more significant when developing health solutions derived from research or even in the provision of healthcare services. With the datafication of life these issues should be carefully addressed, particularly when it comes to healthcare.
Having the chance of discussing gender mainstreaming in Medicine and Medical Research will definitely impact medical research at FMUL. Thus, this seminar will be devoted to the debate of the challenges of integrating gender in the design and development of medical research. Nevertheless, discussing gender in medical research will also imply to open the discussion to gender issues in Medicine.