Project with European funding has already chosen its researcher
14 September 2022
Maged K. Boulos is the Professor chosen to assume the main project of the ERA Chair iSTARS, reason why he met personally in Lisbon with the Faculty Director, Fausto Pinto.
The ERA Chair iSTARS has as its main objective the promotion of data science as a research tool in health and medicine, through the creation and consolidation of an internationally recognized data science unit of excellence.
To date, this project has received approximately 2.5 ME, to develop a unit of excellence in data science and medicine, by FMUL.
The researcher who comes to live in Portugal.
In February 2021, the iSTARS project opened the international call for applications for the position of ERA Researcher (ERA Chair Holder). From the 85 applications received, 48 were selected. But it was Maged K. Boulos who met all the points to be elected.
A medical graduate, a factor that brings him closer in interaction with the medical profession and with researchers in this discipline, he has published significantly in the field of telemedicine. He is also an experienced researcher in the field of artificial intelligence - machine learning / natural language processing.
His career has been a constant dialogue between clinical practice and medical informatics, this being a very interesting feature for the iSTARS project and for the FMUL. He has developed computer and programming applications that allow the collection of health data without compromising the right to privacy. From his already vast curriculum, Maged K. Boulos brings experience from several countries, including the United Kingdom and China.